100th Anniversary of Lafayette Improvement Association (Library display from November 2011)
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Lafayette, California
100th Anniversary of Lafayette Improvement Association (Library display from November 2011)
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The photos are a wonderful walk in the past. I have photos of Moraga Blvd in the 50’s lined with palm trees. In the photo is a photo of Captain Sandford. Is this something you would like a copy of? My parents moved to Lafayette in 1938 and built a home on Moraga Blvd. I also enjoyed the Acalanes Story records as I graduated from Acalanes in 1960 and remember most of the names mentioned on the recordings.
Alice Lynn-Wilkinson
I had forwarded this newsletter to my sister Lylas and she said she had some corrections to names in the photo of the baseball teams. Next time she is down from Oregon, we will come by the History Room and I will also bring some early photos.
Thanks for responding so quickly. I am not sure why, but I did not receive this newsletter. It was forwarded to me by one of my old classmates. Could you check to make sure I am on the email list (and that I paid my dues for 2012, I can’t remember)?
I am interested in purchasing a few of the historical photos, how do I get in touch with someone to do so?