Lecture by Guy-Noël Benoit: April 3, 7:00 PM, Don Tatzin Community Hall, Lafayette Library
Delve into Lafayette’s remarkable story, including his vital contributions to the American Revolution, his friendship with George Washington, his involvement in French politics, and his celebrated return to the U.S. in 1824 as the “Nation’s Guest.” The lecture closes with a presentation on the naming of the city of Lafayette by Mary McCosker, President of the Lafayette Historical Society.
Please RSVP by March 20
Traveling Exhibit: April 3-28, Lafayette Library Foyer
Explore a fascinating six-banner exhibit created by the American Friends of Lafayette
(AFL) and an interactive timeline. Learn about Lafayette’s extraordinary life, his role in securing the Franco-American alliance, and his enduring legacy in both the U.S. and France. Speaker and AFL member Guy-Noel Benoit, will be available from 10 – 2 on April 4 to answer questions about Lafayette’s life and legacy.
Wreath-Laying and City Proclamation: April 5, 11:30 AM
Join a moving tribute featuring a fife-and-drum procession, a city proclamation, and a wreath-laying ceremony at Lafayette’s statue to commemorate the 200th anniversary of his historic journey. (Rain location: Don Tatzin Community Hall, Lafayette Library). The Young American Patriots Fife and Drum Corp will begin playing at 11:15 am at the Lafayette Library Amphitheater Plaza, First St & Golden Gateway and lead a procession at 11:30 am to the statue of Lafayette at the Plaza for a tribute, proclamation and wreath-laying.
Please RSVP by March 20
Questions: Write AcalanesDAR@gmail.com Website: Acalanes DAR
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