In the 1956 Aklan… you can find a student named Steve Luther Syverud. It lists him simply as having been in the “radio club”. There’s no year after it. As such, we don’t know exactly when this person was a member of the Radio Club. It’s likely that it was during their senior year, but […]
Lafayette History Rabbit Holes – Acalanes Radio Station KCEQ: 1955-1956 Radio Club
The 1955-1956 Radio Club can be found by looking at the things that each student did at Acalanes, which is listed next to their senior pictures. There’s nothing in 1955-1956 Handbook For Dons. There’s nothing in the 1956 Aklan. When you go to the section with the senior pictures, we find one person who is […]
Lafayette History Rabbit Holes – Acalanes Radio Station KCEQ: 1954-1955 Radio Club
The 1954-1955 Radio Club can be found by looking at the things that each student did at Acalanes, which is listed next to their senior pictures. There’s nothing in 1954-1955 Handbook For Dons. There’s nothing in the 1955 Aklan. It’s in the 1956 Aklan where we find evidence that this Radio Club existed. When you […]
Lafayette History Rabbit Holes – Acalanes Radio Station KCEQ: 1951-1952 Radio Club
The 1951-1952 Radio Club had to be inferred from the senior pictures. This time it was as straight-forward as it gets. We went to the 1951-1952 Handbook For Dons. Then we looked in the activities section and found a listing for the Radio Club under “Additional Activities”. Out came the 1952 Aklan… and in the […]
Lafayette History Rabbit Holes – Acalanes Radio Station KCEQ: 1950-1951 Radio Club
Finding the Radio Club for the 1950-1951 school year illustrates the difficulty of trying to find when clubs existed at Acalanes High School. Let’s take it step-by-step. We have our trusty Handbook For Dons that was given to students at the start of the school year. Under “Additional Activities” we have a listing for the […]
Lafayette History Rabbit Holes – Acalanes Radio Station KCEQ: 1949-1950 Radio Club
The Radio Club for the 1949-1950 school year not only made it into the Handbook For Dons. It made it into the 1950 Aklan. We may have our first, as we’ll dub them, Radio Club graduate(s) in Joan Siebert. Right now we can’t confirm that it is her in the picture of the club. She […]
Lafayette History Rabbit Holes – Acalanes Radio Station KCEQ: Possible 1942-1943 Radio Club
Acalanes used to give students a booklet called the Handbook for Dons. This booklet had everything from a list of available activities/clubs to Acalanes songs/yells. Up until the past few days, we thought we only had the nice compact versions from the late-1940s through the mid-1960s. While digging through our archives we discovered an older, […]
Lafayette History Rabbit Holes – Acalanes Radio Station KCEQ: 1947-1948 Acalanes Radio Club
The Acalanes Radio Club for the 1947-1948 school year can be found in the 1948 Acalanes Yearbook (Aklan). Judging by the picture, this radio club seems to have been focused on the electrical engineering aspect of radio. It wouldn’t be surprising if these kids were, or were planning to become ham radio operators. It’s humorous […]